- The AMV should be at least 1 minute long and should last max. 4 minutes.
- In terms of video quality, use the best material available. We recommend that the AMVs submitted to the competition are in MP4 format and have a resolution of 1920x1080. The minimum accepted resolution in the competition is 480x360. MP4 ja niiden resoluutio olisi 1920×1080. Pienin hyväksytty resoluutio kilpailussa on 480×360.
- The video must contain at least 60% music. Use of sound effects, dialogue, voice acting, and other pre-built audio clips is permitted.
- The video must contain at least 60% animation, games or comic book material, regardless of the source country.
- If there are points in the AMV that you want the judges to particularly notice and take into account in the judging, you can submit photos, videos or descriptions that highlight the points to consider and bring out the best in them. HOX! Judges may take a reasonable number of cases to consider.
HOX! Tuomarit voivat ottaa vastaan kohtuullisen määrän huomioitavia asioita.
- Video is allowed to have:
- Animation
- Comic book material
- Video game material
- Self-animated footage
- Meme images (human figure and face cut pictures allowed The face of Seppo Taalasmaa or the face of Monkey D Luffy in live-action version)
- Parody added logos or watermarks is ok.
- Subtitles if they are self-animated and support storytelling in the video
- Video is NOT allowed to have:
- K-18 material
- Watermark (eg. Logos for TV channels or streaming services, an Editing Software watermark, or a watermark added by yourself.)
- Subtitles (e.g. opening and closing credits music, subtitles, or series subtitles)
- Footage played by real people (e.g. there may be no scenes from the live-action One Piece series, but there may be scenes from the animation)
- Cosplay footage (reason: CMV competitions are held separately and now the focus is on animations, video games and comics themselves)
- Racist or offensive content
- You can participate in the AMV competition alone or together with several animators in a collaborative video.
- Kilpailuun voi lähettää max. 3 videota. Huomioithan, että yhteistyövideoon osallistuminen lasketaan yhdeksi ilmoittautumiseksi, vaikka et itse täyttäisi sen videon ilmoittautumislomaketta.
- Voit osallistua kilpailuun jo valmiilla videolla, jolla olet kisannut aikaisemmin mutta et ole sijoittunut AMV-kilpailussa.